Wednesday, November 10, 2021

#OnStageAtHome event

 Hello and thanks for visiting!

I received today's card and gift from Genevieve Ko, my team leader, for our OnStage event!  This exciting event starts tomorrow evening and runs through to the end of the day Saturday - it's kind of like our Yearly Convention with Stampin' Up!®   I hope to be posting pictures in the next few days of our creations and fun, so please check out  Lesley's StampinTrix,  on Instagram, or my Facebook Business page here, Lesley's StampinTrix.  And of course you can find my projects on Pinterest too right here, Lesley's StampinTrix 

Gen's card is a single layer card, great for a quick postcard or note to a friend or you could certainly turn this into a book mark.  She used the stamp set called 'Create With Friends' - perfect!  I love the combination of fonts in this stamp set, it's so versatile.  Click here to see it on my online store .  The paper Gen used is called Blackberry Beauty Specialty Designer Series Paper.  Click here to see it on my online store

Here's the little gift Gen sent, it's a pack of Foam Adhesive Strips, in an envelope of Blackberry Beauty Paper!  Love it!  

If you love to create cards, and would like to join a supportive community of crafters consider purchasing the Stampin' Up!® Starter Kit.   

Stampin' Up!® is offering the Starter Kit for $100 Canadian until Nov. 30th 2021  

Simply create your own Starter Kit with $165 worth of products of your choice and pay $100.  There is no tax (in most provinces) and it ships for free.    Simply a super value!  

Here are a few questions I'm often asked?

*  Do I have to teach classes or demonstrate the product - No, you are simply purchasing a kit of supplies.  I welcome all hobby enthusiasts to our little community.  Choose the supplies you want in your kit and enjoy the ongoing perks Stampin' Up!® offers, or choose to move your hobby to a business, it's totally up to you.   

*  Will I receive ongoing discounts? - Yes 20% off your future orders.

*  What's the catch?  - I've heard there are quarterly minimums - what does that mean?  Stampin' Up!® demonstrators receive 20 % off their purchases.  To be eligible for the discount you need to spend $300 every 3 months.  - However - this Special Promotion is extra special because it's November and we're part way through the final 'Quarter'  of the year.  That means you don't need to spend your qualifying $300 until April 2022. 

*  How do I learn more about this special?  -  Email me at - I'm always happy to talk about the products and company I love to work for - this truly is the best job I've ever had!    Or  Click here, to Join our Stampin Trixsters group

 Enjoy & have a super day!  See you on the socials :)

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